Learning Journal | Nearsoft Academy | Week 9
November 23— November 30
Hello! 👋 This is my ninth-week takeaways being part of the Nearsoft Academy program, a space to learn, practice, and grow. I’ll post every week, all about the topics I’ve learned during this adventure.
This week, we started a new challenge: The Open Source phase.
during this new phase, we should do some contributions to open source projects, mostly related to our stacks (another big challenge by the way)
Definitely, I learned a lot during this week.
So, should I choose a stack?
Choosing a stack was interesting, I was sure that I love visual things, so frontend was a really good idea, and React was it too, but which could be the second option?
I’m such a hesitant person, so I learned that I need to consider these questions to make a decision:
- What do I like to code?
- What do I like the most?
- How do I see myself in the future?
I love web development so, at the end of the day, it wasn’t so difficult to choose Ruby as a second stack option. I did not know so much about Ruby or Ruby on Rails, but I already started to try it and I’m loving it so far.
So, what is Ruby?
Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language, it is focused on offer simplicity and make programmers more productive, it has an elegant syntax and is really easy to read and write.
I used this interactive tutorial to start learning the language.
Ruby on Rails
RoR is a web development framework that uses MVC as its structure, it allows us to write less code and focus on the important. Its philosophy includes these two principles:
I started with this tutorial on their official documentation, and I was able to create a very simple blog with it.
I have some experience with Laravel (a PHP framework) so I related it with RoR because both frameworks have an MVC architecture.
While doing this small project one of the questions I had about Ruby on Rails was How a rails migration works?
Up to now, it is being easy to build a project with RoR, the next challenge I want to take is to create a Ruby on Rails project using React as frontend.
Open-source projects
These projects are built by the community and for the community, they have a group of people who maintain the project, but anyone can contribute to them.
I need to choose some projects related to my stacks to contribute, so far I choose Material UI since I worked with it in the last phase and I understand some of their issues.
So, how do you want to contribute to the project?
Finding an issue has been more complicated than I tougth, You need to check if anyone has started working on it if it looks appropriate for first contributors, and of course, if you understand at least a little about it.
The issue I took is about useMediaQuery hook, so I decided to start researching how the useMediaQuery hook works.
I still need to find a Ruby open-source project to work on, but i-m excited to learn more about this language.
Now, some about JavaScript
One of the assignments of the week was to answer some specific questions about a language, framework, or library, and one of my questions was about NodeJS, so I also learned more about How ParseInt works?
That was it about this week. The next challenge? Solve some issues, wish me luck!
See you next week.