Learning Journal | Nearsoft Academy | Week 6
November 2nd — November 9th
Hello! 👋 This is my fifth-week takeaways being part of the Nearsoft Academy program, a space to learn, practice, and grow. I’ll post every week, all about the topics I’ve learned during this adventure.
I’m a visual and kinesthetic person, so you will see some sketch notes here, I hope you enjoy them, and also, feel free to share if they were useful for you.
We are still in this «Build Something From Scratch Phase» journey, we are still working on our project and I’ll tell you what I’ve learned during the week.
How can we build a user interface quickly?
We are working with ReactJS, and with the Material UI library. My tasks were mostly about implementing a Layout to encapsulate the content, and have the menu on all the pages we need.
I also implemented a theme to use primary and secondary colors and be free to just update the colors into one space.
The theme works in a way that you can add colors, typographies, and other styles that you can use for all your files (pages, components, etc). In this case, I create a theme file with a primary and secondary color, so if we want to change these colors for the whole app, we just need to edit that file.
Also, this is what we can use to implement a dark and light theme for a project, we can create a file for each theme and use the state to select which one to use and it will contain all the styles we need for the whole app.
We have the code, then what?
We deployed the project on Netlify a platform to build projects made with different technologies. You can connect your GitHub repository, add the settings you need for your build tour projects and that’s it!
Netlify also implements Continuous Delivery, so for example when you create a pull request on your GitHub repository, it automatically builds the branch you selected, and you can get a preview link before you merge the branches. After you merge the pull request, Netlify automatically deploys the project.
Talk in the client language
After a week of hard work, we had a demo with our client. We explained the functionalities we developed, and the most complicated part was to explain every characteristic in simple words, the client has no technical knowledge so we should explain everything in simple terms. We did not do that a good way, but now we know that we should work on that and avoid technical terms.
This week was about to continue learning how to build the project, organizing with the team, and keep analyzing the project, so the next week will be a more complicated week because we will develop more features.
The team is working well together, we trust each other and we help us if we need it, and that is also a key to teamwork.